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Surgery to correct strabismus in Eximer clinics

The Eximer Clinic performs sparing surgeries to correct strabismus in adults and children.

Surgical treatment of strabismus in adults

For patients who, for one reason or another, did not undergo treatment in childhood or developed strabismus in adulthood, only hardware procedures to eliminate the disease and normalize visual functions are usually not enough.

Correction of strabismus with the help of surgery in adults is aimed primarily at eliminating a cosmetic defect. After the intervention, it is recommended to undergo a course of rehabilitative hardware procedures.

Surgical treatment of strabismus in children

Surgical treatment of strabismus in children is resorted to when it is impossible to achieve the desired result with the help of hardware procedures, for example, in paralytic strabismus. The decision to operate is made individually, depending on the degree of manifestation of the pathology and many other factors.

In the Kyiv clinic “Eximer” surgery for strabismus is carried out in a sparing mode without hospitalization. During the intervention, the individual structural features of the visual apparatus of each child are taken into account. Surgical treatment is performed by top-class specialists – experienced pediatric ophthalmic surgeons.

How is strabismus surgery performed?

Surgical treatment to correct strabismus in the Eximer clinic is performed:

  • in the “one day” mode;
  • under general anesthesia or with the use of local drip anesthesia;
  • without hospitalization.

On the same day, the patient returns home. The final recovery takes about a week, but after such a correction of strabismus, doctors strongly recommend a course of hardware treatment.

Types of operations to eliminate strabismus

There are two types of surgeries for strabismus: amplifying and debilitating. During the loosening operation, the place of attachment of the muscle is changed, it is transplanted further from the cornea. That is, there is a weakening of the action of a strong muscle (the one towards which the eye is deviated).

During augmentation surgery, the muscle is shortened by removing part of it, the place of attachment of the muscle to the eyeball remains the same. That is, the action of a weak, opposite muscle is enhanced.

Such surgical interventions allow you to restore the correct muscle balance, strengthen or weaken one of the muscles that move the eyeball.

The type of operation is determined by the surgeon directly on the operating table, since such a surgical intervention must take into account many features: the angle of strabismus, the location of the muscles in a particular person, the state of the oculomotor apparatus, the age of the patient, and others. As a rule, several muscles are operated on. Sometimes both eyes are operated on at once, with some types of strabismus, only one eye is operated on. There are cases when an ophthalmic surgeon performs a combined operation on both eyes, both on a strong and a weak muscle. Such an eye surgery to correct strabismus is performed in several stages.

Results of strabismus surgery

It is important that the result of surgical intervention is primarily a good cosmetic effect. Most people, both adults and children, adolescents, constantly experience psychological trauma because of their appearance. The operation solves this problem.

Normal vision should be binocular. Binocular vision is vision with two eyes with a combination in the visual analyzer (cerebral cortex) of the images received by each eye into a single image. With strabismus, a person is deprived of binocular vision, and one operation is not enough. The brain has “lost the habit” of combining two images taken with the eyes into one three-dimensional one, so constant exercises are needed to restore binocular vision. In the Eximer Ophthalmological Center, complex vision stimulation effectively helps to solve this problem.

Make an appointment with an ophthalmologist