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Myopia treatment

Treatment of progressive myopia

Treatment of spasm of accommodation (false myopia)

Scleroplasty: control of myopia

Modern ophthalmology offers many effective and reliable ways to treat vision with myopia or myopia – an anomaly of refraction in which a person sees distant objects blurry, as if through a cloudy glass. This disease is characterized by the fact that the light rays penetrating the eye are not focused on the retina, as it should be in the norm, but on the plane in front of it. Changing the focus of the visual system through the use of certain ophthalmic methods allows you to achieve a clear vision of objects located at a distance.

How to regain good vision with myopia?

Due to the high qualification and extensive practical experience of the specialists of the Excimer Ophthalmological Center, as well as the ideal technical capabilities of the clinic, our patients have access to the most effective and modern methods of myopia correction, such as:

  • laser vision correction;
  • phakic lens implantation;
  • refractive lens replacement;
  • orthokeratology;
  • scleroplasty;
  • hardware treatment of myopia.


Only a specialist can determine the causes of myopia and choose the best ways to correct vision for this refractive error based on the results of a comprehensive computerized examination of the visual system.

Laser vision correction

Laser vision correction is the most popular method of restoring visual functions in myopia. The explanation for the popularity of laser treatment for myopia is the speed, safety and amazing effectiveness of this procedure.

Indications for use

Myopia up to – 12D

As a rule, the correction is carried out at the age of 18 to 45 years, however, the decision on the appropriateness of the procedure in each case is made by the doctor, depending on the individual indicators of the state of the patient’s visual system.

How is vision improved?

Improving vision during surgical treatment is carried out by changing the shape of the cornea, one of the natural lenses of the optical system of the human eye. To date, there are several methods for carrying out this procedure, differing in the degree of exposure and the method of forming the corneal surface, which allows you to choose the best way to correct vision in each case.


Vision is restored in 1.5-2 hours after correction. After the follow-up ophthalmological examination, the patient can go home – without glasses or contact lenses!

Phakic lens implantation

Phakic lens implantation is an effective way to restore visual functions for patients with high degrees of myopia.

Indications for use

Myopia up to – 20D

It is used in cases where the ability of the eye to accommodate (the ability to focus on objects located at different distances) is not lost. The optimal age for implantation of phakic lenses is from 18 to 45 years.


Vision is restored in 1.5-2 hours after correction. After the follow-up ophthalmological examination, the patient can go home – without glasses or contact lenses!

Refractive lens replacement

An effective solution to vision problems for patients with high myopia.

Indications for use

Myopia up to – 20D

Refractive lens replacement is used to restore vision in cases of loss of the ability of the lens of the human eye to accommodate (the ability to focus on objects located at different distances). Usually this method is used in the treatment of patients older than 45-50 years, and is optimal due to age-related changes that occur with the visual system over the years.

How is vision improved?

The operation consists in removing the natural lens of the eye with simultaneous implantation of an intraocular lens (artificial lens) of the required optical power.


In the Excimer clinic, in the treatment of myopia by this method, the most modern types of artificial lenses are used, which allow you to fully restore the ability of the eye to see both at close and at remote distances.


The most modern method of contact correction of vision for myopia, otherwise called corneal refractive therapy.

Indications for use

Myopia from -0.5 to -6.0 D

Orthokeratology is a method of correcting visual functions, most suitable for patients aged 6 to 40 years. This method of vision correction is ideal for those who cannot or do not want to use glasses and contact lenses during the day and for those who, due to any contraindications, cannot undergo a laser vision correction procedure.

How is vision improved?

Due to their special design, the lenses gently change the shape of the cornea during a night’s sleep, thereby temporarily improving vision.


Night wear contact lenses provide a temporary reduction in the degree of myopia and astigmatism, which allows you to stop using glasses or contact lenses during the day.


Scleroplasty is a reliable and effective way to stop the progression of myopia.

Indications for use

Progressive myopia, in which there is a deterioration in vision of more than 1 D per year.

How is vision improved?

During surgery, small incisions are made on the eyeball through which special plates are inserted, a kind of frame that strengthens the walls of the sclera, the outer shell of the eye, which performs protective and supporting functions.


The operation of scleroplasty effectively solves the problems associated with the progression of myopia: stabilization of visual functions occurs, the drop in visual acuity stops.

Hardware treatment

Effective and at the same time gentle therapy, recognized by leading ophthalmologists around the world.

Indications for use

Courses of hardware procedures as part of complex treatment give a positive effect in diseases such as spasm of accommodation or false myopia, myopia (myopia) and many others. These procedures are especially effective in childhood and are used to prevent and treat eye diseases in young patients without surgery.

How is vision improved?

Classes on hardware methods can be compared with sports training aimed at improving the efficiency of the eye muscles. The course of apparatus therapy is a program consisting of procedures lasting from 30 minutes to 1 hour, during which time the patient has time to go through 3 to 5 different devices for ultrasonic and infrared laser therapy, vacuum massage, magnetotherapy, laser and electrical stimulation, etc. Classes are held in a fun way.


Effective training of visual functions, improvement of blood supply to the eyes. Effective prevention and gentle treatment of a wide range of eye diseases.

Make an appointment with an ophthalmologist