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Treatment for hyperopia in children

дальнозоркость у детей

Treatment for hyperopia in children. Each child is born with hyperopia. It is a physiological trait when the eyeball is a little shorter than needed for good vision. But gradually the child is growing and so is his eye, and when the optic focus is on the retina, the vision is normalized. But not everybody has it all the time.

This phenomenon is most often caused by genetic predisposition, and children are already born with an anatomically “short” eye. There are even cases of trauma to the eye at an early age, which leads to the development of hyperopia or hypermetropia (the medical name for the disease). This pathology occurs in about 25-30% of children.

Few words about hyperopia in children

A child with hyperopia cannot see objects clearly at close range as the image is focused not on the retina but behind it. The child sees all close objects as blurred but recognizes well everything in the distance.

Fortunately, this refractive error can be corrected with glasses or contact lenses. The key point is to visit pediatric ophthalmology in time to prevent complications. Failure to treat hyperopia may lead to such diseases as strabismus and amblyopia. Needless to say, a child is not comfortable with drawing, playing with a construction set, playing in a sandbox. All the things his peers are doing will affect his psycho-emotional well-being. So, above all, take care of a healthy and comfortable life for your child.

Types of hyperopia

Ophthalmologists classify three types of hyperopia depending on the severity of the condition: mild, medium, and high.

  • A mild hyperopia is up to 2 D (diopters).

For young children, hyperopia up to 2 diopters is considered normal. But if this situation does not improve by the age of three, then a qualified ophthalmologist is needed.

  • A medium hyperopia is between 2.25 and 5 D (diopters).

With medium hyperopia, the child requires vision correction with glasses or lenses, as it is difficult for him/her to work with close objects.

  • A high hyperopia is above 5.25 D (diopters).

If a child has high hyperopia, pathological conditions such as amblyopia or strabismus may develop. Therefore, a child’s vision must be diagnosed and treated promptly.

Steps to suspect hyperopia in a child

A pediatric ophthalmologist can make the right diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment only after a comprehensive examination. This can be done at the specialized Eximer Ophthalmology Clinic, which has all the diagnostic equipment needed to diagnose hyperopia.

Child’s behavior that should alert parents

  1. The child has difficulty looking at a close object;
  2. The child gets tired quickly, becomes irritable, and blinks often during visual activity;
  3. The son or daughter often complains of headache, dizziness after visual activity;
  4. The child dislikes drawing, playing with small toys, assembling a construction set, refuses to read and paint;
  5. The child sometimes brings his eyes to the center and tries to look as if sideways;
  6. The infant complains of “sand” in the eyes and dryness, pain in the area around the eyes.

If your child has these symptoms, be sure to make an appointment with a qualified ophthalmologist. Eximer Ophthalmology Clinic has been working with children from birth to 18 for over 21 years. Here your child will undergo a comprehensive eye exam and get effective treatment.

Reasons to start hyperopia treatment right now!

  1. Hyperopia in children can often lead to amblyopia and strabismus being visual pathologies that greatly affect the entire visual system. Therefore, treatment should be started as early as possible to prevent complications and create all conditions for normal development.
  2. If treatment is started in time, the growth of the eyeball can be regulated, resulting in a reduction in the hyperopia degree and associated complications.
  3. To see objects clearly, children with hyperopia have to strain their eye muscles. Often the young body cannot cope, which leads to decreased visual acuity and further amblyopia.

Amblyopia, or lazy eye disorder, develops only in children because the visual system at a young age is very flexible, and every negative factor can lead to deviations.

All this suggests that hyperopia treatment in a child should not be postponed for later, instead it is worth starting treatment right now.

How to treat hyperopia in children

лечение дальнозоркости у детей

Hyperopia treatment in children. Depending on the age and concomitant diseases, correction with glasses and lenses, as well as machine-assisted treatment is used to treat hyperopia.

Spectacle or contact correction of hyperopia. As a rule, glasses are chosen below the hyperopia degree. This technique is effective in treating children because it stimulates the growth of the eyeball and helps reduce hyperopia. Lenses are more appropriate for older children.

However, modern technology and materials have allowed lenses to be used today, even in elementary school-age children. This reduces a child’s psychological discomfort and gives them confidence among their peers.

Machine-assisted treatment for hyperopia or pleoptics. This technique is also part of the therapy and includes various visual stimulation methods. A course of treatment for hyperopia in children includes 5-6 different techniques and usually several times a year at 6-month intervals. The final number of courses and the set of techniques is determined by the ophthalmologist.

Machine-assisted treatment of hyperopia in children is prescribed after the age of 3, often in combination with glasses or lenses.

It is worth adding that modern techniques of conservative treatment of childhood hyperopia often allow achieving excellent results and relieving a child from wearing glasses all the time.

After the age of 18, laser vision correction allows treating hyperopia. But this does not mean that parents can relax and wait for the child to come of age. It is strongly recommended to act as soon as vision problems are detected since the most dangerous pathology is associated with hyperopia – amblyopia and strabismus. These diseases are not subject to laser vision correction.

Preventing hyperopia in children

Children often do not notice their visual acuity decreasing. That is why we encourage you to consult an ophthalmologist at Eximer Ophthalmology Clinic at least once a year, even if you have no complaints. This will help discover the disease in time and start therapy.

We also recommend following these rules to avoid straining a child’s eye muscles:

  • Read and write in good light;
  • Combine active games with visual activity;
  • Include food rich in A, E, C, and B vitamins;

Control the time spent in front of the phone or tablet screen.


Scheduled eye exams for the child should be routine at 3 months, 1 year, and annually for preventive purposes.

Qualified specialists at Eximer Ophthalmology Clinic offer diagnostic examinations for children from birth to 18 years of age. You can make an appointment by calling us or filling out an online form on our website. Find out more in the Contact Us section.

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